OCS Conference Funding Submission

Event Photo:

Self-portrait with Conference Badge shot at the conference venue

Group photo with all attendees

Name: Praewa (Wawa) Kulatnam


Specialization: HPM-Health Policy Analysis

Conference Host Organization/Institution: The Stanford King Center on Global Development

Conference/Competition Name: PacDev 2024

Conference Term: Spring Conference Start Date: 2024-03-09 Conference End Date: 2024-03-09

What were your takeaways from this conference/case competition?
In addition to the Gender and Finance and Social Networks discussions, the conference covered vital health-related concepts. Exploring the link between temperature and healthcare outcomes, one session highlighted the impact of environmental factors. Another focused on experimental evidence from Indian micro retail, examining the effects of food subsidies and substitution. A third discussed the outcomes of a community-driven nutrition program and block grants in Madagascar, emphasizing child-feeding behaviors. Lastly, a session explored the equilibrium effects of incentivizing public hospitals in India. These diverse discussions broadened my understanding of health-related challenges and interventions, contributing to a comprehensive and enlightening conference experience.

How will your participation in this conference/case competition support your professional development?
Participating in this conference significantly supports my professional development. Networking with researchers in health and development has exposed me to cutting-edge research methodologies and insights into the intersection of social issues with the health sector. As an aspiring MPA-Health student, the opportunity to engage with a diverse group of PhD students from the U.S. and around the world has provided invaluable guidance. This experience enhances my understanding of health and policy, informing my exploration of pursuing another advanced degree. The connections and knowledge gained contribute directly to my academic and professional growth in the dynamic field of health and development.

What are some next steps or action items this conference/case competition inspired?
This conference has motivated me to take concrete steps, particularly in finalizing a prior publication in the field of economics and healthcare. I aim to complete this work by the end of the year, aligning with the chance to submit the paper and present at next year's conference hosted at UCLA. The prospect of sharing insights from my research in such a prestigious setting serves as a tangible goal, driving me to ensure timely completion and active participation in the upcoming event.

What are some tips or best practices that you would like to share with other Wagner students who attend a conference/case competition?
For Wagner students attending a conference, understanding its research/academic focus is crucial. In the case of a research conference like this one with an Asia-Pacific region emphasis, familiarize yourself with relevant theoretical frameworks and context. A pre-conference refresher on these concepts enhances your engagement value. Actively participate during presentations, asking thoughtful questions to deepen your understanding. Network strategically to forge meaningful connections with fellow attendees. A well-informed and proactive approach ensures a more enriching and productive experience at research conferences, contributing to both personal and academic growth.

Wagner Areas of Impact: Government, Health, Inequality, Race, and Poverty, International Development, Nonprofits